What do you think? is AHQ Store open sourced? Let us understand the true open sourceness of AHQ Store
The AHQ Store Client (aka ahqsoftwares/tauri-ahq-store) is a FULLY open sourced client that is what AHQ Store app is. It contains
The ahqstore-types under ahqsoftwares/tauri-ahq-store contains the types used by ahq store & service. The docs is available at https://docs.rs/ahqstore_types
The AHQ Store CLI is open sourced at https://github.com/ahqstore/cli and you can install it at
📦 Crates.io: https://crates.io/crates/ahqstore_cli_rs
Almost everything under AHQ Store Project (https://github.com/ahqstore) is open sourced. There is EXACTLY 1 REPO which AHQ Store is not going to open source even in the future. This repo is the ahqsoftwares/ahqstore_server. This repo the is rust rocket.rs server that interacts with PostgreSQL to store account & user data.